Cuevas Medek Exercises is a psychomotor therapy based on dynamic challenging exercises, manually applied for children affected on their developmental motor functions. This therapy provides very concrete guidelines to stimulate children in a total safe way, starting from two months of age to many years after birth.
The fundamental assumption of CME is that developmentally compromised infants need to reinforce their natural recovery potential and activate their genetic code that could lead them into motor freedom. This underlying property of the Central Nervous System, continues to propel the developmental process even after the sequelae are established.
The results mean everything to us, that’s why all the cases we’ve treated along these years are the key to our success.
Click on the child’s picture to read more about their case.
Currently Delfi is 9 years old, with a diagnosis of Propionic Acidemia (a metabolic disease).
We transcend clinical cases, enriching our field with research and papers that reflect our commitment to continuous improvement and excellence.
Cuevas Medek Exercises International Center staff:
Ramón Cuevas, Physiotherapist, CME Master and creator of the CME® Therapy.
Claudia Undurraga, Publicist, CME appointments and logistic coordinator.
Gabriel Fuentes, Physiotherapist, CME courses coordinator.
If you are a parent and have a child with motor delay, or a therapist who wants to be certified in Cuevas Medek Exercises Therapy
You can contact us via mail
or via Whatsapp
The results mean everything to us, that’s why all the cases we’ve treated along these years are the key to our success.
Click on the child’s picture to read more about their case.
Cuevas Medek Exercises is a psychomotor therapy based on dynamic challenging exercies, manually applied for children affected on their developmental motor functions.
This therapy provides very concrete guidelines to stimulate babies in a total safe way, starting from two months of age to many years after birth.
Cuevas Medek Exercises concept was created and developed by physiotherapist Ramon Cuevas.
It is the acronym composed by the first letters in spanish of the phrase: Metodo Dinamico de Estimulacion Kinesica
In english this sentences can be translated as <dynamic method for kinestetic stimulation>
CME® aims to provoke in children’s brain the automatic responses of postural and functional motor control.
CME® exposed body segments to gravity force inlfuence.
CME® promotes the use of the maximum possible distal grasp on children’s body.
CME® challenge the children’s neuro-muscular system in order to force the appearance of non-obvious motor functions
Any degree of developmental motor delay caused by: Cerebral palsy Hypotonic condition Motor- Delayed condition caused by any non-degenrative desease.
The Assessment protocol was developed in 1972 by Ramon Cuevas as an important component of the original concept of CME® exercies.
During a four years period, this assessment was under experimental scrutiny as a curricular part of the research project A.R.Y.E.T spanish acronym which stands for ”high risk and early stimulation”.
This project was sponsored by the Neumann foundation and the Clinic University Hospital in Caracas, Vnezuela from 1977 to1980. The CME® assessment format contains 41 items ranging from the most elemental head control reactions until basic deambulatory activities and balance control. The CME® Protocol describes the four possible scores for each item full detail.
After CME® initial assessment, some specific goals of postural-functional motor progress are settled to be obtained during the ”trial period” of eight weeks of regular treatment.Parent are encouraged to participate in the goals setting.
Only if the goals are achieved, CME® therapy should continue to be used, otherwise, parent need to look for other options of therapy in order noy to spend time and resources in an endless therapy.
Therapy fluctuated from a minimum of 30 minutes to maximum of 45 minutes. In small babies at the begining the sessions can be done only for 20 minutes. The ideal situations is to repeat the session twice a day with interval of 4 hours or more in between both sessions.
According to community resources that parents can get, their intervention can be reduced in a proportional scale with the therapist visits.
First of all, parents shoulds knows that the only merit of any given theraphy is the capacity to produce functional improvement of posture and movement in a short term basis, because the middle and the long term basis, because the middle and the long term improvement relays mainly in the capacity of the child’s brain to assimilate, to integrate and to reproduce the incoming information.
It is a scientific widely proved fact that external stimuli acting over the sensory systems(proprioceptors), originates impulses which have a significant influence on the development of the brain. Cuevas-Medek-Exercies® therapy program can drive the child’s brain. The CME® therapy program can drive the child’s recovery potential to the maximun functional improvement because in each exercise the child experiences new sensations through new postures and movements which he cannot do by himself neither through the conventional therapy exercises.
For parents:
-Motor-functional assessment for developmental delayed children, to determine the current level of motor evolution related to the chronological age.
-Set the short term goals to be achieved within the first 8 weeks of treatment with the CME® therapy.
-Set up the immediatte program of CME® therapy to by applied personally by Ramon Cuevas(CME® therapy creator) for an intensive period of 2 weeks. The program is applied on a regular schedule of two sessions of 45 minutes per day for the first 10 sessions.
After that initial period of intensive stimulation of 5 days in a row, and from day 6, the parents are carefully trained in the CME therapy home-program. The latter program includes a video which illustrates in full detail each recommended exercise.
For professionals:
-Special tuition for those therapists who are already graduated from courses level I and II, willing to upgrade their knowledge and skills as CME® practitioners
-Consultations about the CME® therapy program of any given patient under your care will be answered within 48 hours.
Ramón Cuevas; Creator of the CME® psychomotor therapy with 43 years of experience, describes in his book why this therapy is the best option available and validated by real results, 99 exercises with illustrations, a detailed explanation will guide you thru this revolutionary therapy. The Cuevas Medek Exercise® first edition describes why each therapy exercise demands an active response from the child and always the choice of the exercise is directly related to the child’s reaction potential. The “unique” portion of CME® therapy depends on the ability of the CME® practitioner to choose and apply the optimal sequence of exercises during the therapy session, in order to “provoke” new spontaneous postural-functional reactions. The “science” portion of CME®, resides in the new responses emerging from the immature brain. The CME® manual can be read by anyone who is interested in learning this novelty approach to psychomotor habilitation; physical therapists, psychologists, occupational therapist, students, etc.
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