Currently Delfi is 9 years old, with a diagnosis of Propionic Acidemia (a metabolic disease). We came to Ramón on the recommendation of a physiotherapist here in Uruguay, at that time she was 1 year and a half old, she did not walk, and she did not have head support.
As soon as they told me about the Cuevas Medek Therapy, I started researching out what it was about and with the little I read I knew I was on the right track
We contacted CME team and 3 weeks after we were traveling to Chile. We were very nervous because it was all new for us, but the warmth of Claudia and Ramón gave us the peace of mind that we were in the right place.
On our first trip we went for 15 days and in the first session she managed to stand alone in Ramón’s palms, we could not believe it, it was the first time we saw her standing alone floating and being free. We returned from our first trip with Delfi managing to sit alone and being capable of holding her head. And so we began to travel two to three times a year, each trip was a new advance, she was already able to walk with help, she was capable of sitting down, she crawled…. until one day while here in Uruguay she started walking alone, yes alone! All the effort was worth it, Delfi managed to be free, walk by his own means and begin the free path, Ramón always believed that it was possible, he always gave us the hope that this would happen, that is why we decided to go to Chile to thank them for so much and we showed up one day as a surprise at the office, no one there knew of Delfi’s achievement yet, until we arrived, Claudia opened the doors for us and she broke in tears of emotion, until the meeting with Ramón who was sitting in another session and then he saw her enter and was thrilled but not surprised because he knew she was going to achieve it.
Cuevas Medek thank you so much!! Always in our hearts.
– Victoria, Delfina’s mother