

My name is Poliana Rodrigues Bernardi, I am 38 years old, I am from Pato Branco, Paraná – Brazil. I have a degree in physiotherapy from Fadep Faculdade de Pato Branco, I completed my training in 2008. I completed the CME level I course in 2012, level II in 2013 and level III 2014. Since then I have worked solely as a neuropediatrician, dedicating myself exclusively to CME. After years of dedication and love for this therapy, I had the honor of receiving Level IV training in September 2024. I dedicate my days to bringing more hope and evolution through this therapy that transformed my life and that of many families and children.

CME Formation

Level 1: 2012

Level 2: 2013

Level 3: 2014

Level 4: 2024

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